Thursday, 1 August 2013

Duct Tape is Brilliant

More proof, if proof were needed, that almost any boating problem can be cured either by WD40 or duct tape.
The seat on the coastal double scull I have been trying was snagging on the floor of the boat, making sliding forward difficult. The solution? WD40 would have alleviated the problem temporarily, but for a permanent fix the rails needed to be raised ever so slightly. So I unscrewed the slides at one end, moved them over, and stuck three layers of duct tape underneath. Now the seat slides gracefully forward for a perfect catch.


  1. Some ancient sage said: "Delight in simple things"

  2. Indeed a sage who knew his onions.

  3. Sail battens would make a good spacer in this case and are not so subject to the ravages of time....


  4. True, but unfortunately I had left my spare sail battens in my other suit.....

  5. You wear duct tape Chris?

    You look very good in it Sir!


    (Sail battens/battening - try your local chandlers - two down the Wittering Road and two more in Emsworth and I'm really jealous of your location!)

  6. My tailor says it is all the rage in Savile Row.

  7. One of my favorite quotes:
    "If it moves and it shouldn't - duct tape.
    If it doesn't move and it should - WD40"
    I don't know where that one came from.
    This one is mine:
    "If it can be solved with duct tape, zip ties, bungee cords or a little bit of's not a real problem".
    I love your blog.
    Please keep up the good work.
    -Gondola Greg

  8. taken over there: "...all of life’s problems can be solved with two things; Duct tape and wd40. If it moves and it shouldn’t, you need duct tape, and if it doesn’t move and it should, you need wd40...”

  9. Ops!, I think I need an eraser besides wd40 and ducktapes
