Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Bunking off again....

The next chapter of my history of the Claydon Skiffs has been delayed yet again, this time by a weather window that could not be ignored. Took Lotty out at 08.00 for a quick thrash to Marker, the post on the right with the beehive on top. Such a contrast with last weekend. And the forecast for next weekend is fairly rubbish too. Got to take an opportunity when you can at this time of the year.
Here is the view towards Emsworth with the South Downs behind.


  1. Fab photo of the marker!

    Alas I was stuck in office all day :(

  2. alas I was looking out on the clear blue skies from a series of conference calls wishing I was out on the water

  3. Went down to Hurst this afternoon and nearly got blown away, bracing stuff.

  4. It was beginning to brew up at lunch time...
