Tuesday, 25 August 2015

A Concerned Reader Writes

Reader Patrick asks: "New RFP rule? The skipper of the new Snarleyow is apparently a stickler for the wearing of PBAs. Unlike the previous bloke."

Patrick: This blog is committed to safety and always does a risk assessment for its activities, as follows:
Hazardous Event
Risk Assessment
Risk Mitigation
Sudden immersion due to capsize, being knocked overboard by boom or falling overboard when moving about in boat.
Severity: High
Likelihood: High
Risk: High
Wear lifejacket
Rower sits in middle of boat which is stabilized by two 10ft poles.
Severity: Low
Likelihood: Low
Risk: Negligible
No mitigation measures required


  1. Your risk assessment fails to take account of the weather conditions.

    Current weather - Mitigation: Stay in pub

  2. That was indeed today's risk assessment just about word for word.

  3. A bit depends on the boat and the pub

  4. Does it depend on the boat or the pub...

    as I found out when I swapped PicoMicroYacht for a single sculling boat


  5. Life is a risk we will all eventually lose

    Childhood is when we learn to make real time assessments

    He who hesitates long enough to write about it as an adult is lost

    Badly and a lot

    Christo the W.
