Saturday, 20 September 2008

Soton Boat Show - a pendant

I went to the Southampton Boat Show ten days ago and I wasn't going to report on it because it has no rowing interest whatsoever (except for the Swallow Boats stand, where I had a jolly interesting conversation with Matt Newland that may result in my handing over a substantial amount of cash - more on this later).
Anyway, the highlight for me was Spirit of Mystery, the Mounts Bay Lugger that Pete Goss is planning to sail to Australia. Double-parked alongside her was Ocean Pearl, a restored zulu (or possibly fifie) that is usually on a buoy in Prinsted channel, Chichester Harbour.
Today, I rowed to Prinsted and was rewarded by the sight of Ocean Pearl under sail. My new camera (a Fujifilm Finepix S8100) has a telephoto lens and anti-shake. I swear it is impossible to take a duff shot with this thing unless you point it at your feet.

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