Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Hobie Mirage drive double skiff

The Hobie Mirage drive is a miracle of engineering elegance, propelling a boat forward by fins that flap under it like a turtle's. American boat designer Chris Ostlind has created a double Mirage-powered skiff that is clearly capable of a remarkable turn of speed, as this video by boatbuilder Mack Horton in Melbourne, OZ, shows. It is featured on Duckworks magazine today.


  1. I had a go with one of these things in a canoe some years ago, and I'm not at all surprised that two strong blokes in well designed hull should be able to get this kind of speed. It's a very cool way to drive a boat.

    They should be available on hire boats at every seaside resort!


  2. One of the many projects I have under consideration (read: fantasising about) is a sailing canoe with a Mirage drive instead of a centreboard. I've been waiting for one to come up on eBay with no luck so far - anybody got a Mirage drive surplus to requirements who would be prepared to let it go cheap to a good home?

  3. "I'm not at all surprised that two strong blokes in well designed hull should be able to get this kind of speed."

    Actually it's a 52yo man (me) and a 130lb woman.

    "...Mirage drive instead of a centreboard"

    I don't think the Mirage drive would be a good dagger board due to the flex of the fins. I'd suggest a dagger board "plug-in" for the Mirage well as Chris O uses in his Trimaran.

    Good luck finding a Mirage drive on Ebay. I've yet to be successful.


  4. Thanks for your comment, Mack. How is the boat doing in practice? Do email a report with a few pics or video!
    No luck as yet on the eBay front, but I'm still looking. There is a Mirage-powered kayak for sale in Cornwall right now, and I'm very tempted...

  5. Here are a couple of videos of Ripple.




  6. and the most recent... shot with a GoPro HD camera.

