Sunday, 14 December 2008

Rowing up the Hamble

A great day. Met Max Taylor at Swanwick hard on the River Hamble in the morning. He was rowing the skiff he designed and built himself (below).We rowed to Phil's yacht Festine Lente on its pontoon at Bursledon, where he provided excellent coffee and croissants - a brilliant start to a row.
A flotilla gradually assembled, consisting of Phil's Oughtred-designed Acorn skiff (right) and several Bursledon gigs (above). They compete annually in the Hamble River Raid, an event that is now firmly fixed in the village calendar.
Up river to the Horse and Jockey at Curbridge, where Max and I swapped with Phil and his son Ben - Phil took Max's boat, Ben took mine and we took the Acorn. I was in bow and Max at stroke. Rowing the Acorn took a bit of getting used to as my legs are about a foot too long and the distance to Max's back about a foot too short, so I was forever bashing him in the back, but eventually we picked up a rhythm of short strokes and built up a good speed.
Then it was to the Jolly Sailor at Bursledon for beer and chips.
More pictures here.

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