Saturday, 7 February 2009


I went out on an early tide today for a short and gentle paddle round the harbour at Bosham. Once again, the tide was pushing slush against the foreshore and I froze.
These days the ends of my fingers lose all sensation very quickly, especially in my right hand for some reason. A symptom of advancing age dagnabit. I have never worn gloves while rowing because you only have to take them off again after a few minutes' exercise.
Has anybody discovered a good method of keeping one's fingers warm without either overheating or losing contact with what is going on at the end of the oar?

And here's a message for Joe Deslauriers - I've had a total email wipeout and have lost your address, Joe. Could you drop me a line?

1 comment:

  1. Windsurfers also have this problem. I tried using standard neoprene diving gloves but they were no help as the thickness of the material on the palm effectively added to the thickness of the boom and the fatter the section you have to grip the worse the forearm ache. A glove now exists for windsurfers with open palms, I’ve never tried them but they look like they might work as they cover the tips of the fingers but are open where the hand grips.,Water-sports,Windsurf-gloves

    Hats off to you out in those conditions.
