Monday, 5 October 2009

Thames skiff restored in Scotland

A lovely Thames double skiff made by Salters in the 1890s has been saved from the flames and restored for display and, one hopes, use.
Boatbuilder Adrian Morgan was called to give his expert opinion on the skiff, which had been stored in the roof of the Marquess of Aberdeen's sawmill at Haddo, near Aberdeen. It was almost beyond repair, he says, but they decided to restore her anyway. Now, after six months work, new oak ribs and 10 litres of Varnol, she gleams with life. What a triumph.
The whole story is on Adrian's website.

1 comment:

  1. Chris,
    I found this article intriguing and almost linked to it myself. What a beauty and to think, once all boats had such living soul. Hopefully Adrian has inspired others to save those jewels abandoned by lesser men ;-)
