Thursday, 5 November 2009

A new Whitehall

Famed American oar and paddle makers Shaw & Tenney are celebrating 150 years in business by creating the first boat they have ever sold - a beautiful Whitehall skiff.
The firm was founded in Orono, Maine in 1858 and has been making wood oars and paddles with their trademark burned-in name on the blade ever since. But this is their first boat.

The hull is nearly 18ft long with a beam of only 3ft 8in, so she should go lickertispit especially with a pair of long oars in the rather stylish folding outrigger rowlocks.
It looks fab, with lots of varnish and brass, but it is definitely a what-the-hell-I-deserve-it purchase: the 'fancy rowing boat' version pictured is listed at $19,000. The vanilla version will cost $14,000, plus sliding seat option, sailing rig option and trailer option. And UK buyers will have to add import tax, VAT and shipping.....


  1. Lovely boat! A thread on the WBF about community rowing

    has mentioned these "Floating Apple Gigs". Whitehalls built by the community for the community in NY.

    They look very sleek on the water.


  2. I saw the S & T Whitehall at the Wooden Boat SHow this past June. They did a beautiful job. I can see why it is as expensive as it must have taken so many hours, esp. this first hull.

    I am very surprised it did not win the Concourse De Elegance award.

    I have those same folding outriggers on Drake. They are wonderful.

  3. Look at that line drawing...absolutely obtimized for rowing...I bet its tippy but fast. not sure I'd want to be out in it in a blow, though. Also wonder why they painted the interior white...hard on the eyes in the sunshine!
