Monday, 21 December 2009

Boston Jingle Row

We've been whining about how cold it is here in England but in Boston the IROW crew had to crack the ice on the Charles River for their annual Jingle Row. More photos by Kathy Martell here. Congratulations, chaps! It looks as if you had a ball despite, or perhaps even because of, the arctic conditions.


  1. Okay, it is official, these guys and girls are certifiable as crazier than I am. I am planning an outing for Wednesday, 23 Dec, but it is forecast as sunny with a balmy 1 degree C temperature. A change from our 3 inches per day rain. If it works I will send photos and Vids.

    Cooler weather is better for rowing, the body cools faster, and can work longer. Unless you stop and the cooling sweat chills you into insensibility.

    Blessings of the Sun-Return !!

    Robert in BC Canada.

  2. Snow? Ice? They're predicting 42C here tomorrow!

    Adelaide, Sth Aust.
