Sunday, 17 January 2010

London to Paris rowers start harbour training

One of the Thames Waterman's Cutters entered in the 2010 London to Paris challenge arrived in Chichester Harbour this weekend to begin training for the race in May.
Most of the crew live between here and London so it is a logical place to train, especially as they want to get lots of coastal experience before crosssing the channel. I am told that one of the main things that separated the Langstone Cutters crew that won decisively in 2008 was their long experience offshore rather than just on the relatively benign River Thames, though the tidal river can have its alarming moments.
The Reivers 12 have borrowed the Arthur Alcock, a 34ft Thames Waterman's Cutter and are keeping her on Hayling Island until the race. This weekend was their first outing here, the A crew going out in the wind and rain on Saturday and the B crew getting the sticky end of the oar with calm water and brilliant sunshine on Sunday, when these pics were taken.
We met for a chat in the Royal Oak afterwards, when they submitted patiently to a great deal of reminiscence and advice. They are raising money for two charities - Chase Hospice Care for Children and Children with Leukemia, both of which do great work. Click here and give now!

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