Saturday, 9 January 2010

Port Sorell skiff splashes in New Zealand

I have been quietly lusting after a Port Sorell skiff for a while now. Designed by Paul Fisher, it would be handy for pootling round the harbour when the waves are a bit too high for comfortable sliding seat rowing, or for going on picnics.
A very beautiful Port Sorell has just been launched in Aukland. It looks lovely, and the heat of a tropical New Zealand summer is a bitter contrast with the snow outside my window.
I am particularly impressed by the oars, one pair in Douglas fir and the other in Kauri, both with contrasting hardwood tips and with traditional sewn leathers.
Another Port Sorell is under construction by Bob Raynor, whose blog is here.
The builder of the NZ Port Sorell skiff writes:
Hi Chris
Glad you like the look of  my boat - I'm thrilled with her and delighted with her performance.  The name is 'Playtime' reflecting the fact I'm a teacher and time building or rowing is my time to relax... My wife says I go off to play...!  Enjoyed your blog too so will keep an eye on your thoughts.
Cheers, Jeremy Sievers
Thanks, Jeremy!

1 comment:

  1. Chris, you should build one - then I would be able to keep up with you!

