Friday 3 September 2010


I think I have discovered a new medical condition. The principal symptom is going out rowing more often as the days begin to get shorter. I went out last Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and today, when I got in at Prinsted. And I intend to go out on Saturday and Sunday.
It looks like a nasty bout of seasonal affective disorder anticipation stress syndrome or SADASS, caused by the body trying to build up a reserve of essential infarctium dibollockase before the sun disappears for the winter.
One can't be sad out on the water for long, however. Sailors always give me a cheery wave, like the guy pictured above, whose wife was below preparing a nice glass of something so he was happy.
On the way back I came across Ocean Pearl, with owner Nick Gates aboard, and stopped for a nice chat. Apparently the bowsprit broke off Cowes a couple of weeks back and has had to be replaced with one a few feet shorter, which Nick says is bad for his self-esteem.


  1. Please, can we have more about #7? What a versatle boat! I bet she even rows well.

  2. It is a Cornish Shrimper - more details at A very attractive boat, but too much above the waterline for truly enjoyable rowing. On the plus side, it's big enough to contain drink-making wife.

  3. Don't worry Chris, about SADASS. I have found that I can row faster with less fatigue in the winter. Unless you have to break the ice on the water. Body cools more efficiently in freezing weather, who would figure? Of course a dry cloudless day is the best. I wouldn't want to do it in the fog and damp.

  4. You are absolutely right, Robert, rowing in winter is a joy, especially here where the Gulf Stream keeps things ice-free. But I don't think SADASS is a rational thing....

  5. The Shrimper is probably the most popular mordern classic in UK - with a strong association

    As chris says bit to big for rowing although I have seen one sculled over the stern with a long sweep to god effect.

    Good thing about winter coming up you can have the water pretty much to yourself - a grey and moody winter's day rowing under brooding low clouds lifts my soul just as much as blue skies

  6. People have a lot of fun with their Shrimpers, both alone and as part of the owner's association. Unfortunately the result is their second-hand price is rather steep!

  7. It's good to see Ocean Pearl again, btw.

  8. Dark winter days get to me also.

    But I'm looking forward to rowing Illusion in the winter!
