Friday 10 December 2010


Hamble River Rowing have produced a very nice training video, starting off with a bravura display of terrible timing in a Bursledon gig. You have to be good to row as badly as that.
Then, about a minute and a half in, along comes the Solent galley Bembridge, rowed by a crew from Langstone Cutters with me at stroke. Fame at last!
The video was created by Philip Meakins who also sings that classic folk melody Messing about on the River.


  1. Excellent video ... should be made very public!

    Nicve to see Bembridege & Langstone carrying on throw the water so smoothly...

    Steve S

  2. Chris,

    This is great! I'll have to pay attention next time I go for a row to make sure I'm doing things right. It will also be great to teach folks who want to crew with me on my faering.

    Thanks for posting it!

