Saturday 8 January 2011

Rowing in Argentina (and Uruguay)

Prompted by Robert Ayliffe's pictures of rowing in the congested waterways of the Tigre Delta near Buenos Aires, Pablo Escandarani sent this great set of pictures of an expedition he and two friends did a couple of years back in a lovely wooden skiff. He writes:
Chis. I have seen your article about rowing in Argentina. This is a gift for you. Our Odyssey to Uruguay (in five days, 160km rowed).
Best Regards,
Pablo Escandarani.
That's twenty miles a day - well done, guys! Here is a slideshow of their epic trip:
They started in the Sarmiento River and braved the river buses in the Delta and the monster ships in the Parana and Uruguay rivers to row to Carmelo in Uruguay.
They returned via the River Plate (I had always assumed that we had simply anglicised the Spanish Rio de la Plata, but apparently it means 'River of Silver', and plate was the Tudor word for silver so it is actually a proper translation).
They battled 100 degF (38 degC) temperatures and blazing sun - one of them got a fever and had to cox beneath an improvised tent.
The map shows the route through the maze of channels that take the Parana River to the sea. What a journey - thanks, Pablo.

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