Saturday 14 May 2011

Rowing Kittiwake

Took out Kittiwake today - a traditional clinker boat built by Wootton Bridge Industries. She is kept in the Langstone Cutters boat sanctuary and generously made available for us to use.
Oddly, however, I'm the only one who takes her out much. Admittedly, she will never be a flyer with her short 10ft length and large transom dragging her back in the water, but she is a nice, balanced hull and very stable, so for a potter round the harbour she is lovely.
It is probably the oars. The straight oars that come with the boat are too short and not nice, and don't fit very well in the round rowlocks (technically called crutches). I use my Douglas Martin square rowlocks (technically known as pivots), with a pair of spoons that are nearly long enough. Then rowing becomes a joy. Proof once again that a little work getting your boat set up properly will reap big dividends.

1 comment:

  1. lovely - proper boat not especially fast but safe, roomy - ideal for pottering, picnics and would make a great yacht tender
