Tuesday 7 February 2012

Rowing with the Stars

A few weeks ago we took the stars out rowing. Comedian John Bishop is doing a Week of Hell for Sport Relief, involving cycling from the Arc de Triomphe, rowing the Channel and running to Marble Arch.
He and fellow masochist Davina McCall came down to Chichester Harbour to learn how to row in a pilot gig. Here is John with me, Colin McPhee, Debs Gilbert, his coach and a BBC producer. Davina had already left by this time.
Both seemed fit and determined, and picked the rowing basics up quickly. Whether this will be enough for a 20 mile row in the open sea remains to be seen.
Bishop doesn't seem to be relishing the prospect though. In an interview with the BBC, he said: "Rowing is boring."
After the announcement, this picture appeared in the Metro, emailed by alert reader Ben Meakins.

1 comment:

  1. Just saw that interview - he really didn't seem happy, did he!

    How did you get involved?
