Thursday, 1 March 2012

That Bee Boat

I don't think God intended me to do stitch and glue. 
After the instant destruction of what looked like a decent repair job on the fractured bottom plank of my new Bee, construction paused for the weather to warm to more epoxy-friendly temperatures. On Tuesday, the break was repaired again. Today, the seams were re-stitched with plastic ties and the bow carefully tightened...and tightened...and CRACK! the other bottom plank split.
After a suitable period of self-examination and meditation, I came to the conclusion that I was doing it all wrong. I screwed the bottom planks into the moulds and then forced the bow section up into position, threading the plastic ties through as the gap closed. As a result, brutal stresses build up in the wood.
On re-reading the instructions, I should be sewing the bottom edges of the planks together loosely, placing the pair into the moulds, and parting them so they come to rest in position. This process will, I suppose, allow the bow to adopt its natural shape and avoid critical stresses.
So I have completely undone the boat and will cut two new bow pieces out just as soon as I can locate my jigsaw in the pile of garbage in my shed.


  1. I don't often comment here, as I know nothing about boat building.

    But I've heard that one of the reasons some persist in constructing boats of wood is that such boats possess an almost human 'soul' and may assume a personality of their own that resin boats can never approximate. Is this an example of that enchanting personality to which the proponents of wooden boatbuilding so often allude?

  2. Well, I imagine you won't be short of names to call it when it's finished.

    Bet you're sorry now you didn't sell that Bee kit to me when I offered!

    All the best. Hope the rest of the build goes better

  3. O Docker:
    Yes. But once the new bow planks are done I will feel a lot better.

  4. You are right though Chris, Stitch and tape is the devil's invention. When trying to persuade recalcitrant bow planks into shape its sometimes wise to call the good doctor. He has a way with these things. Good luck!
