Saturday 12 May 2012

Another Bundle Boat

Canoeist and boatbuilder supreme Tim O'Connor spotted this interesting home-built boat, well, raft really, on the island of St Lucia (the loveliest place in the Caribbean, in my opinion). Although the guy is paddling it, the tall rowlocks show it can also be rowed. Tim seems to think it bears a family resemblance to one of my boats. Ha!
Tim also took some great pics of the characteristic local fishing boat, the St Lucia canot. It is a dugout with extra strakes attached to increase the freeboard so it can be taken through the surf and offshore.
The St Lucia canot is unique in having the dugout part extended forward into a sort of cutwater or ram, which even seems to function onshore as a sunshade for sleeping dogs.
As the cutwater is solid wood it must provide a lot of protection against the rocks around the coast, but I suspect it is there mainly for swank. You can read more on the canot at Indigenous Boats.
I love the names of these boats, most reflecting the deep religious conviction of the St Lucians. One is called Prayer, another Psalms 121 ("I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help").
So the boat called Opinion seems to be sending a different, more sceptical message. This picture of her mighty crew certainly shows that all over the world red-blooded young men will install the biggest outboard they can find and roar about flexing their muscles. Bless.

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