Tuesday 1 January 2013

A winning boat for the GB Row 2013?

No sooner asked and John supplied this ad for a Viking ship in Norway, a small-scale replica of the Bygstad ship. Ten-oared, she is 37ft long and has fine lines that might justify the claimed 10 knot speed. She was built in 1994 by Jacob Helseth in Bjørkedalen. She comes with an outboard which is, with wonderful synchronicity, a Mariner Viking.
I have this sneaking suspicion she may not comply with GB Row 2013's hidebound, bureaucratic, innovation-stifling 'safety rules' and also I have no idea what the asking price of Kr600,000 amounts to in real money. Could be anything between not a lot and an arm and a leg.


  1. B£ 66363.8789 ....
    happy new year !

  2. Should I expect to see you in a Viking ship in the next GRR? They usually are struggling at the end but maybe there are designs which would row quicker.

  3. £66,403 sounds more like an arm and a leg.
