Thursday, 26 February 2015

Sculling in Brittany Back in the Day

I love the hats in this picture of Breton fishermen's wives in a sculling race. No date, but evidently in the good old days or possibly way back when. 
Fearlessly pinched from Roger Barnes's Facebook feed.


Patrick Hay said...

I wonder if they favour the horizontal blade starting position, or the blade vertical variation?

Horizontal works best for me.

Hélène said...

Hello Chris and Rowing for Pleasure readers!

The photo was taken in 1921 by yachtman, philantropist and ethnologist Jacques de Thézac who created the Abris du marin, inspired by the sailor's homes in Britain. The scene takes place in Sainte-Marine, in South Finistère.

For more information (in French), you can click on this link to read an article published in the weekly magazine L'illustration which was issued from 1843 to 1944 :

HTBS contributor