Saturday 15 November 2008

Rowing, Galician style

Ben at the Invisible Workshop has a fascinating post about fishing boats in Galicia, the top-left-hand corner of Spain that ends in Cape Finisterre. Apparently they row with crossed oars, like the Adirondack guide boats, but pushing the oars back with their forearm so one hand is always free for fishing (or, being Spanish, smoking).
I don't really understand how this is done, and Ben has promised to put up his photos over the weekend.
Meanwhile, here is a photo from Wikimedia Commons of a carving in Ben's home city of Tarragona. If rowing in Tarragona is always like this, I want to go too....


Anonymous said...

I thought you'd like that post of Ben's!


PS I'm amazed to find the security code I have to fill in now is 'spain'?

Ben said...

I must look out for that carving. Rowing in Spain has many attractions...