After a few words, I undid the ties in the area and screwed a patch on the area, protected by a piece of epoxy-proof plastic. Epoxy was applied, with tape over.
Next morning, the epoxy was hard and all seemed well. It bent nicely into shape as new ties were tightened. When the patch was removed, it cracked again. The epoxy had not gone off properly - the tape peeled off in my hand. Last night's frost is probably responsible.
B. B. B.
I will wait for the weather to warm up a bit before trying again. Judging by the BBC weather forecast, it could be some time.
Come on Chris. You are a Facing for more people than you think.I think you have the solution: the patient.
Sorry to hear it. Just B bad luck.
I can't believe I am wishing for cold weather, but it hit 70 here today, and I would love to have a cold weather paint failure about now. I actually have mosquitos flying around the garage!Remember patience is a virtue, and a virtue is a class of beautiful sail boats...Maybe next time you are putting up photos, could you show a little more of the clinker boat that is clipped-off in this latest shot? It looks very interesting.
Use the old board for a pattern and make a new board. Simple.
Really frustrating! Feel for you.
Oh for a big heated workshop.
You have been somewhat unlucky with this cold spell. It's been so mild until now. The people at SP Epoxy told me 17 degrees C is the "best" temperature for working with epoxy.
Need to get some warmer temps around the hull. We covered the hull with cardboard and put an electric light under the hull. It's surprising how much warmth collects there left overnight.
Keep going and good luck.
Probably the same precipitating factor as the first problem - an insufficient application of beer.
Besides serving as a mollifying agent, beer slows the progress of any project, allowing time for a reasoned evaluation of the task at hand.
Inadequate beering leaves us with the false impression that we know what we are about.
Others are counseling patience, but patience alone will not bring the wisdom and perspective that only beer can provide.
In France we allow ourselves to apply wine, or even, when low temperatures demand it, cognac, armagnac or, in the north, calvados. Beer is generally considered fit only for Belgian builds - and whoever heard of one of those?
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