Monday, 29 June 2009
How to Launch a Boat (1)
I've been a big fan of American humourist Dave Barry for years. Today, his blog features this picture:

Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
pickup-driving dimwit
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Langstone Cutters Regatta
We were supposed to have thunderstorms yesterday, but the weather gods smiled and we had a lovely summer day at Langstone.
Gravesend Rowing Club brought one of their fleet of Clayton Skiffs so we could race three instead of two. All teams rowed against all teams.
Langstone crews were second and third in the final league table, but the clear winners were the incredibly in-synch and strong Gravesend A crew, who are seen taking the trophy at the end of this video.
The video was shot using the new Flip Ultra HD which I have on test. It is incredibly easy to use, but its lack of a proper zoom makes it a bit difficult to catch rowing action which was up to three quarters of a mile away.
Gravesend Rowing Club brought one of their fleet of Clayton Skiffs so we could race three instead of two. All teams rowed against all teams.
Langstone crews were second and third in the final league table, but the clear winners were the incredibly in-synch and strong Gravesend A crew, who are seen taking the trophy at the end of this video.
The video was shot using the new Flip Ultra HD which I have on test. It is incredibly easy to use, but its lack of a proper zoom makes it a bit difficult to catch rowing action which was up to three quarters of a mile away.
Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
Clayton skiff,
gravesend rowing club,
langstone cutters,
Friday, 26 June 2009
The Hoff goes rowing

Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
upper thames rowing club
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Beer Boats are a'comin'

This could be the start of something big. Why didn't we celebrate the appointment of a new Speaker of the House of Commons by getting Michael Martin to pass a six-pack of Special Brew to John Bercow on ceremonial shallops in the middle of the Thames? It would make a lot more sense than dragging Mr Speaker to the chair. And Andrew Motion could have handed the new Poet Laureate her barrel of sack from a Thames Waterman Cutter opposite Shakespeare's Globe.
Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
beer boat eu nonsense bouncing czechs
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Bembridge comes to Langstone
The boat is part of the collection of the late Pat Sherwin, and is now on permanent loan to the Cutters from the Pat Sherwin Trust.
Bembridge was picked up at the slip in Old Portsmouth - that's her on the lower level of the trailer. Above is Doreen, which is going to another club.
But she rowed beautifully, moving along almost without effort, and we soon became much more confident.
We rowed upharbour passed the Spinnaker Tower, the naval dockyard, HMS Victory and Whale Island. At the entrance to Hilsea Channel, which separates Portsea Island from the mainland, the tide was only beginning to fill and we had to row lightly through the narrow, meandering channel.
The light was fading as we approached Langstone.
Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
langstone cutters,
solent galley bembridge
Friday, 19 June 2009
When Mabel gets going, the tough change their underwear
In the picture, Mark Taylor, Peter O'Sullivan, Carol Baptist, Dawn Thisby and Jenny Munns.
Go Mabel!
Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
great river race,
rowing langstone cutters
Thursday, 18 June 2009
1902 Thames skiff at Beale Park

Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
beale park thames boat show,
thames skiff
Monday, 15 June 2009
A Phil Bolger Sweet Pea at Beale Park

Discussing the rationale behind his Sweet Pea design, he wrote in Boats with an Open Mind: "Aside from getting the proportions just so, the hard problem was to give the boat lateral plane and a rudder without totally spoiling it for rowing, as uaually happens if you yield to the pervasive impulse to rig a nice rowing boat to sail (fitting a good sailboat with oars is usually more profitable)."
Bolger's solution to the problem was to design a slipping keel and inboard rudder that could be removed when rowing. A friend of his built one and kept it on Bolger's pontoon but apparently never made the keel because it was never sailed.
So it was great to meet Paul Apps with his own Sweet Pea at Beale Park, to find out how Bolger's slipping keel and rudder work in practice.

Paul reports that the rudder is effective and under the small spritsail she goes about nicely most times: if she stops in irons it is simply a matter of getting an oar out and giving a helpful nudge or two. Pointing is not particularly good but she was as fast as anything else on the Beale Park lake, Paul found. But he still rows more than he sails, although this is partly because he lives near rivers rather than lakes.

The boat is beautifully made and is even equipped with Bolger's favourite long bronze crutches, even though they cost a fortune to import from the US.
Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
beale park thames boat show,
Phil Bolger,
sweet pea
Saturday, 13 June 2009
New Nestaway boat at Beale Park

She looks pretty and fast to row. And I've got a Ford Focus Estate. Tempting...
Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
beale park thames boat show,
nestaway boats
Friday, 12 June 2009
Rowing Skiff Gecko

She is shapely and made in an unusual and attractive wood - European sweet chestnut on 'tiger oak' frames. Ben says sweet chestnut is durable, light and stable, and that more boats should be made from it. Anyone know any cause or just impediment why boats should not?
The outside is sheathed in epoxy and glass which gives the usual slightly milky finish. I tend to prefer either varnish on unsheathed wood, or paint over plastic, but each to his own.
The hull is divided into three parts that can be unbolted to fit the whole thing in the back of a Transit - very handy especially for a 26ft long boat.
Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
beale park thames boat show,
ben and dominic fowler,
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Launch of a St Lawrence River Skiff

Well, that was a scandalous situation that was soon resolved. Here I am taking her on her maiden voyage, captured by the lens of Chris Perkins (sorry about the quality of the other pics - the battery had run out on my camera and I had to resort to my mobile phone).
The St Lawrence River Skiff is legendary for its seaworthiness and ease of rowing. I couldn't really test either attribute in the flat calm of the lake at Beale Park, especially with the heavy, stumpy oars that were in the skiff, although Nat says he is making more suitable oars. But she slid through the water with ease and grace and she is beautifully built.
This lovely boat is for sale at £4,500 and cheap at the price.

Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
beale park thames boat show,
st lawrence river skiff
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Thames Boathouses
We were rowing from Wallingford up to Benson when we were caught in a sudden and violent thunderstorm. My parents noticed the boathouse doors were open and we sheltered inside.
It was great to see the boathouse in such great condition when we passed by last week, as was another favourite, a Stockbrokers' Tudor boathouse in Oxford (right).
Many, however, have been sadly neglected. Look at the state of this boathouse near Northmoor (below). It is falling into the river but a massive new non-boathouse is being built behind at huge expense. Someone has their priorities dead wrong here.
Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
thames boathouses
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
More on oars
Later, Tony was pushing against a lock wall with his oar and it slipped into a crack, breaking off the end.
Continuing to row, he expected to feel the boat tipping over due to the imbalanced thrust of the oars, but interestingly the break made very little difference. He lashed up a new end to the blade with duct tape (what would we do without it?), not to restore performance but to protect the ends so the bits could be epoxied back in place when he got home. Here he is by Wallingford Bridge with the ghastly evidence.
Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
isabella III,
joel white shearwater,
Monday, 8 June 2009
Built for comfort, not speed

Wayne's problems were lessened by the addition of the rudder, brought to him at Radcot Bridge on Monday. With the tiller lashed to the centre position, the boat went in a straight line quite nicely. And borrowing Chris Waite's long oars gave him a bit more heft, as shown above in Chris Perkins' picture. But he still had to labour heroically to complete the course.
The fundamental problem for both of us was the combination of a flat bottom and a wide transom that digs into the water, sucking the boat back. As you can see from this picture, Nessy leaves a carpet of turbulence in her wake.
Richard Rooth's Inwe, in contrast, is a slippy double ender from Iain Oughtred (his Elf) and seems to be a joy to row with Richard's long, slender sea oars (pic by Chris Perkins).

Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
Natzio sandpiper oystercatcher,
oughtred elf
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Launch of Octavia

The sun struck me pink, every muscle in my body aches, my hands are covered in calluses and my bum has a boil the size of Berkshire. It was GREAT.
For those of you not familiar with the Home Built Boat Rally (HBBR), this internet-based disorganisation (no forms, no subs, no rules) has an abysmal weather record, with almost every event so far consisting largely of people huddling on the foreshore in the driving rain wondering when the pubs are going to open.
Sunday was devoted to setting up at the famous Trout Inn at Lechlade, which we soon discovered is famous for its high prices and basic facilities. I haven't seen a jakes like it anywhere else in England since the 1980s. My dear, the smell.
Octavia uses four sheets of ply, with a few slivers left over. She is built in two halves, so she can fit in t
Even off the water, Octavia is innovative - the halves of the hull fit together to form a shelter, a tarp keeping rain out of the gap.
Chris poured a generous libation of Glenfiddich over her bows on the slipway and rowed off with aplomb. She was clearly fast, a first impression borne out over the next few days when Chris would look up over his breakfast of mixed egg, sausage and beans, see

Finally, at the Beale Park show, Octavia was awarded Watercraft's prize for the most innovative design, and richly deserved. Congratulations, Chris.
(Thanks to Chris Perkins for several of the pics. The others were taken by me)
Labels: rowing, boating, boatbuilding
beale park thames boat show,
Boatbuilding rowing catamaran,
boils on bum,
chris waite,
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