I would never dare alter a design by someone clearly much more capable, experienced and talented than I am, especially when that person is John Welsford, boat designer supreme. But Peter Murton in Nelson, New Zealand, has bravely done just that.

Our next boat is going to be a double ended Whitehall, 17ft long with sliding seat and outriggers."
The result is a lovely looking boat, and it probably goes a bit faster without the transom as well as being lighter.
Its a beautifull boat. I prefer it over the Joansa.
IMO, there´ll be any problems if you do like this builder, repeating the bow. Canoes arebuilt like that. Peapods as well and many classical rowing crafts.
That was clever. We have St Lawrence River Skiffs here that are similar. Here is one under construction at WoodenBoat.
Also there is Drake Rowboat which is assymmetric fore and aft. You can get a little higher prismatic out of this and a little more speed potential.
Drake has appeared in Rowing for Pleasure.
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