Tuesday 19 March 2013

Duck Punt For Sale

Andrew Berry has drawn my attention to this very nice looking duck punt on eBay. It was professionally made by Littens of Beccles and even comes with a sailing rig, though that looks a bit home made with a cut-down Mirror sail (is there some sort of law that mandates cut-down Mirror sails for every home-made rig?).
There are riggers for rowlocks but no apparent mounting for a gun.
Colin Willock describes how a punt is very handy for wildfowling even without the monster cannon, as it can be used to transport the shooter out to the best locations before dawn, and get him back again after the tide has risen.
Currently, bidding seems to have stalled at £121.00 but as several people seem to be interested I imagine there will be a last-minute surge. Under a week to go...


Chris Waite said...

I think the law you are looking for Chris is the 'Law of Averages'. There must be more ageing Mirror's about than any other class


Thumbs said...

As far as I'm aware there is no such professional builder called "Litten" in Beccles. I know of a wildfowler of the name Litten, however. This is almost certainly a self-build - but then again 90% of gun punts are...